15 August 2012

Universities resit policies for medicine

Good evening,
I hope everyone's exams are going well / have gone well (depending on where you are in your life) and that you feel confident you've got the grades you need.

I realise this post comes with some unfortunate timing as it is exam results day tomorrow, but I'm seriously rooting for everybody to have got the grades they need to get in, and if you miss them, well that's a post for tomorrow I suppose.

Universities policies on re-sits change quite frequently, for example, Sheffield used to be well known as a "resit University" and changed this status due to the high number of resit applications they received. So if you are reading this after 2012 and it hasn't been updated, check for yourself.

Let's begin!

Aberdeen: does not accept resit applicants.
Barts: does not accept resit applicants.
Birmingham: accepts resit applications when there have been extenuating circumstances, and the required grades have been narrowly missed. However they will not accept applications from people who have been previously rejected. I don't know if this means that only people who have previously been offered a place can apply, or anyone who hasn't previously applied...
Brighton: accept resit applicants. The applicant must have only narrowly missed one grade, and must have achieved at least a B. You've got to get an A* in the re-sat subject.
Cardiff: accept resit applicants. You must have achieved at least a B in Biology to apply.
Dundee: does not accept resit applicants.
Durham: does not accept resit applicants.
UEA: accept resit applicants. You must have achieved BBB or ABC. If you resit all 3 A-Levels you need to get A*AA, if just re-sitting one subject, you must achieve an A* in it.
Edinburgh: accepts resit applicants who have extenuating circumstances, however you must provide evidence of these circumstances before you apply in the next UCAS cycle.
Glasgow: accepts resit applicants who have extenuating circumstances, and have narrowly missed a grade, however you must provide evidence of these circumstances before you apply in the next UCAS cycle.
Hull York: accepts resit applicants who have extenuating circumstances with documented evidence.
Imperial: accepts resit applicants who have previously had an offer from Imperial, and who have acceptable extenuating circumstances to explain missing their grades, these circumstances must be included in the referee statement and the candidate should write directly to the school. You have to achieve at least CCC, and be predicted AAA in WINTER exams (not Summer!).
Keele: only accepts applications from re-sitters who have already achieved their re-sit grades (essentially you can't apply till the year after).
Kings: I couldn't actually find the information! If anyone knows please comment below and I will edit it in.
Lancaster: accepts resit applicants. You have to meet their minimum GCSE requirements and discuss it in your personal statement.
Leeds: accepts resit applications from people who have previously held an offer from Leeds, and have well documented extenuating circumstances. You must provide the information and contact the admissions office before applying in the next UCAS cycle.
Leicester: do not accept resit applicants. However they MIGHT accept a resit candidate who has previously held an offer and has strong mitigating circumstances (always worth asking if you fit this criteria!)
Liverpool: resit applicants CAN be considered. You must reflect about re-sitting on your personal statement, and meet the GCSE grades.
Manchester: considers resit applications, however candidates must perform very well at interview to be considered for a place, play to your strong suits if you know you are good / bad at interviews.
Newcastle: does not accept resit applicants.
Oxford: re-sit applicants considered with extenuating circumstances and evidence given.
Peninsula: accepts resit applications, you must have achieved AAB in the first sitting.
Sheffield: resit applicants not accepted.
Southampton: resit applications are considered, you must reflect on your personal statement.
St Andrews: consider resit applicants with extenuating circumstances, you must send evidence to the admissions office before the next UCAS cycle.
St. Georges: resit applicants not accepted.

To some this up, for those of you without extenuating circumstances, and only missing one grade, you can apply to:

  • Brighton
  • Cardiff
  • UEA
  • Keele (in a year)
  • Lancaster
  • Liverpool
  • Manchester
  • Peninsula 
  • Southampton
I hope this has been helpful. I probably won't  be able to answer many questions on the subject, so anyone with queries is best of contacting admissions offices.

Good good good luck with exam results tomorrow, all the best!